Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy in the Saudi EFL Classrooms

bloom's Revised Taxonomy offers an outline for planning units that include how to increase thinking activities level

There are six major categories, which are listed in order below, starting from the simplest behavior to the most complex.
1)Remembering :means getting back  information and recalling relevant knowledge  from long-tem memory that include recognizing and recalling . The lowest of taxonomic levels but  it is very crucial to learning . 

2)Understanding: means finding out the meaning of what the teacher say and write .which include classifying ,interpreting ,exemplifying , comparing ,summarizing and explaining . students understands when they build connection between new knowledge and  prior knowledge

3)Applying  refers to the ability to use learned material in a new or unprompted use of an idea . related and refers to situations where learned material is used through products like models, presentation, interviews and simulations .In Applying students applying what they learnt in their learning

 4)Analyzing: Breaking material or concepts into parts, determining how the parts relate or interrelate to one another. includes differentiate ,organizing ,attributing .
5).Evaluating: checking the material  and Making judgments based on what learnt .

  6)Creating :is the sixth and the final domain This highest domain because in the  creative process the student/s, remembers, understands & applies knowledge, analyses and evaluates outcomes, results.

Bloom’s Taxonomy is not evident in setting learning objectives in the Saudi EFL classrooms because the English teachers in schools ask to remember things that will be the exam by using this way they don't encourage us to understanding , analysis , evaluate ,create  ."if you just remember you will pass" they put this an idea in our minds .  It is very necessary to teachers to use Bloom's taxonomy because it encourage students critical thinking and make the teaching -learning process more  effective . I can simply utilize Bloom's Taxonomy to improve student achievement when I give them a topic I ask them if they have any information or an idea about it ,then ask them to explain what they understand from it , after that tell them to apply what they have learnt ,then they have to analysis , break the materials  to show how they put together to exploring understandings and  relationships , then give them an opportunity to evaluate ,judge ,giving opinion about the topic .Finally, encourage students to create new ideas related the topic .


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Evaluating websites

We have chosen this website to evaluate it It is an educational and entertainment website in that you can enjoy while learning English, also there is a Polish version of the same website. The purpose of this website is for children to learn English in an interesting and easy way at anytime also teachers can use it while teaching their students . In the content of that website you can find picture dictionaries, basic English vocabulary, grammar for kids, online word games, tests, songs, printable worksheets, resources for ESL teachers and parents. It is presented in an attractive way that children and teachers will liked it. The website includes a lot of links that lead to effective activities and games which facilitated the learning process.

This website is provide the language in an attractive and interesting way ,encourage kids and help them to learn English by the activities and songs . It connects English with kids' interests. The goals of this website is to build young learners vocabulary and develop their reading skills,  also helping children to develop their grammar skills. This website provide free online activities that introduce young learners to basic English vocabulary . It offers a variety of vocabulary games for young ESL learners, including hangman games, matching games, spelling games, word search puzzles and guessing games. This website contain also online activities that can help children develop their grammar skills. online tests and quizzes that give children an opportunity to revise what they have learnt with the help of the website .It uses simplified language that kids can easily understand , also it is organized very well.The website can be improved by putting more pictures, videos, and develop the design to make it more attractive.At the end of evaluating this website we have found many specifications because of the combination of learning and having fun at the same time but still it need to improved.

                                                                 By:Peace Group

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The role of WeQuests in learning a foreign/second language

during each class of EDU401 we are learning new technological terms that we may never hear before, and the term Webquest is one of these terms.

A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet. WebQuests are a unique method for enhancing students' information technology

The use of WebQuest in language teaching is better  more than using the traditional ways of language learning and teaching, it has many advantages. One of these advantages could be that the use of WebQuest improves the students’ critical thinking.

Teachers can improve students' critical thinking skill by using WebQues when they are uploading a task that helps them to Identify and articulate similarities and differences between things. They could help them through the task that require students to Identify and articulate errors in one's own or others' thinking Or Identify and articulate personal perspectives about issues .

WebQuests promote collaboration when students learn how to collaborate with their classmates, with students in other classroomsAlso WebQuests encourage students to take ownership of their learning and use a collaborative process of discovery to facilitate the learning that is taking place. it used for exchanging information .

Project-based learning one of the enduring approaches to education that supports the use of Webquests, is focused on the learner constructing meaning and knowledge from an assigned activity
It allows students to choice, encourages higher-order thinking, and uses hand-on experiences and various modes of communication. It makes Students responsible for their own learning and the teacher's role is that of a facilitator

Finally , the role of web-quest in learning a second and/or a foreign language is really effective. Web-quests can be used for individual and collaborative work that help students learn greatly and effectively

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How would I use blogs, wikis and delicious with my students?

       Teaching and learning before technology was very boring , With the vast development of technology, It becomes something very intersting. When I become a teacher I will use different types of technology tools to help me teach, , and tell them about the importance  of  the usage the  social networks in our life, especially in education.

 I would use social networks  such as blogger ,wikis and Delicious with my students as much as I can to improve their learning . These online tools are very helpful for both teachers and students



blogger is one of the very good and useful tools for students. I would like to teach my students first, how they can be use it. Second, ask them to create an account and following each others. Third, ask them to write posts and add comments for each other's without copy and past .students should post at least three times monthly ,then I will give them feedback .
 At the reading class, I will give them an article to paraphrase, and write their reflection. For example, I may give them an article about the use of technology in education , and ask them to paraphrase it. Then, the they have to write about the importance of using technology in education  and how to use it effectively . They also have to reply on three of their classmates posts.



Wikis are excellent website for collaboration. Wikis are a wonderful tool for students to work together and produce high quality texts.
 If I use wiki with my students, I will put the assignments and the handouts on wiki. I would divide the class into groups; each group will have their wiki. I’ll post some topics related to our course, each group will select a topic and collect and search information about it then post it in their group and discuss it with their classmates . The wiki also has a lot of communication features so I could set up online discussion / forum tasks with students so that they could discuss the story and make decisions about how they want to change or develop it.



Delicious is a social bookmarking site where we can save links to all of our favorite websites. In delicious the students can add and share  links with others  that they need it in their courses. I would ask my students to make their own Delicious and for each lesson they have to add  a website that they find it useful and beneficial to our lesson, and share it with their classmates. It's a useful and enjoyable way to share links  that will help them in developing their English language. I will use it with my students to add useful links that help them understand more .
These websites can improve the teaching quality and the students achievement. Technology really help developing and enhancing the learning process .

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Possiblity of Reaching Bax’s Normilasation Saudi Arabia Why is it possible?When is it possible/reached/achieved?How will it be reached?

Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalisation' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated"


  In the article “CALL past, present and future” by Stephan Bax suggested many ways to "attain a state of normalization in which the technology is invisible and trulyintegrated" . he suggest  that we can't realize this normalization until we consider the technology or computers as a part from the tools in the lesson, CALL will be normalized if computers are treated as very important tool to learning process ,and will not be affective without it , when indicate  students’ needs first then using computers to serve these needs. . Bax summarized that in 3 steps “The first step is to identify the criterial factors which normalization requires. The second is to audit the practice of each teaching context in the light of these criteria; the final step is to adjust our current practice in each aspect so as to encourage normalization” .Finally , he mentioned the 7  stages of normalization in CALL :

1) Early Adopters; teachers and educational institutions need to adopt the technology out of curiosity—and that would be one of the initiative steps towards normalization.


3) Try once; people would try it at first but reject it because or early problems. They can’t its value.

4) Try again; someone would tell them that it really works so they’ll try it again. And they would see its relative advantage.

5)Fear/awe; more people start to use it but still there is fear along with exaggerated expectations.

6) Normalizing; gradually it will be seen as something normal and usual.

7)Normalization; the technology will be so integrated into our daily lives to the degree that it becomes unseen—normalized





The Possiblity of Reaching  Bax’s  Normilasation in Saudi Arabia  :

in Saudi Arabia ,in the past, the teacher explained the lesson to the students by using the traditional tools in education such as  , board,  chalks and pens and this making them not interesting and boring .
 .But nowadays we are starting a new system for the learning process. Most of Saudi universities used technology in the learning process.We integrated technology in some of our schools it is a good step to move toward normalization .I hope further development in the education system in Saudi Arabia .
Normalization and integrating technology in learning in Saudi Arabia is not impossible , but it needs really hard work from the ministry of education ,and we are as students and teachers should work together although this process will take years and will not be easy. I have a strong believe we will reach to normalization someday .